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Business Continuity - Woman wearing a hardhat fixing a power outage
October 15, 2024

The Importance of Redundancy: Implementing Backup Plans to Mitigate Internet Outages



Internet outages can cause significant damage to businesses, especially businesses without an internet backup plan. Most businesses today rely heavily on the internet for communications and operations. When the internet goes out it can cause serious disruptions in both external and internal communications and it can leave employees without a way to do their job. That’s why it’s so important for businesses to implement backup plans to mitigate internet outages. 

As a leading provider of business internet, the WOW! Business team encourages all clients to carefully consider their internet backup plans and data protection procedures. By planning for backup and recovery now, you can avoid costly losses and downtime the next time an outage occurs. 

Why is Redundancy Important for the Functionality of the Internet? 

Modern internet solutions, particularly fiber internet, are reliable and provide so much for businesses. But as with every service, the unexpected can and does happen. Outages are inevitable due to things like natural disasters, equipment malfunction, and other causes. These outages can leave businesses without the internet they need to operate. 

An internet backup plan includes redundancy to maintain a connection when an outage occurs. If your main internet connection goes down you are left without a way to connect to the internet, meaning that every system you have that relies on that connection stops functioning as intended. To maintain internet functionality, you need another connection to use when your main connection goes down. 

How Do Redundant Systems Help When an Internet Outage Occurs? 

Redundancy is important in all systems that can’t afford to have downtime. Airplanes have redundant systems in place so that if one component malfunctions, another backup component comes online to perform necessary functions. The same is true with redundant internet systems. When internet outages occur, a good internet backup plan will come online to keep your business connected. 


H2: Implementing Effective Backup Plans 

Since internet outages are inevitable, businesses should plan ahead by having an internet backup plan. What does an effective backup plan include? It depends a lot on the business. Different businesses have different requirements for internet service, data loss prevention strategies, and other issues. That being said, there are some key components that every internet backup plan should include: 

Defining a Recovery Point Objective (RPO) 

An RPO is a concept that data protection specialists developed to help businesses define their data protection and backup needs. It refers to the maximum amount of data loss a business can accept after an outage or other disruptive event. For example, how much data can you afford to lose within a given time period, such as after the internet goes down? If your business can accept an hour of data loss, then you know you need to back up your data every hour. 

Selecting Appropriate Backup Solutions 

There are many different backup solutions out there that businesses utilize to protect data and maintain connectivity. 

At WOW! Business, we offer a convenient wireless internet backup for businesses that is cost-effective and robust enough to meet most business needs. If your internet goes down, your backup will come online so that your business can still access the internet and function normally. When the regular internet connection is restored, the system will switch your operations back over to the regular connection. 

Sometimes businesses require more significant backup plans and choose to pay for an additional fiber connection as a backup—typically from another provider. That way, if the main provider’s system goes down the business can switch over to the backup provider and keep conducting business as usual. 

There are additional backup layers you can utilize beyond your internet connection. For instance, you can maintain multiple modems and routers so if one goes down you can use another one. This keeps you from having to go out and purchase another device. 

Regularly Reviewing and Strengthening Backup Procedures 

This is one of the most important parts of having an internet backup plan. Every plan needs to be updated from time to time. Maintaining a regular interval of reviewing and strengthening your backup procedures is important so nothing slips through the cracks. It’s a good idea to test your current plan from time to time, review the results, and then improve the plan as necessary. 

Contact Us Today to Discuss Your Internet Backup Plan 

Fortunately, you don’t have to figure out all of this on your own. Our customer service team is well-versed in internet backup options and data protection. If you have questions or concerns about your internet connectivity and maintaining that connection, just give us a call or email us. Someone will be happy to help you solve your issues and protect your business. 

Don't let unexpected internet outages disrupt your business operations. Ensure business continuity with WOW! Business's reliable backup solutions. Contact us now.